An exemplary outline of a hygiene zone for medium and big enterprises

Exemplary outline of a hygiene zone for small enterprises

Questionnaire about washing machine you can fill here or you can download the pdf file, fill the nessesary information, and send it back by e-mail. pdf

About us

Our company produces machines and equipment for the food industry; hygienic equipment made of stainless steel for the food industry and the pharmacy, for the meat industry we deliver, install and guarantee the service of the machines from leading companies in this branch.

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str.12, № 1, Vedrare, Karlovo,

ZIP code: 4364

GPS coordinates: 42.57898, 24.87561


(+359) 335 99915

(+359) 335 99913


Work time

Mon - Fri: 08:00 - 16:45

Sat - Sun: closed

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