Grinder W 200


The automatic meat grinder W 200 has a 200 mm cutting plate diameter and a 360 lt-bowl capacity. It can be used to grind both fresh and frozen meat up to a temperature of -20°C. Different combinations of knives and plates are available, allowing maximum performance and a better quality product. A modern microprocessor controls all operating parameters. Like other models, the meat grinder W 200 is complete with all the protection and safety devices. All components are easily removable for quick cleaning at the end of the day.

Main Features
It allows to maintain the structure and appearance of the raw material
High quality execution of stainless steel
Drive motors equipped with overload protection system
Possibility to supply a membrane separator or poltry bones separator

Technical Features
Bowk capacity: 360 lit.
Capacity of unloading cart: 200 lit.
Total power: 63 kW
Motor power: 37 kW / 53 kW

О компании

Фирмата произвежда машини и съоръжения за хранително-вкусовата промишленост; хигиенно оборудване от неръждаема стомана; за месната промишленост доставяме, монтираме и обслужваме гаранционно и след гаранционно машини от водещи в бранша фирми.

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Быстрая связь


str.12, № 1, Vedrare, Karlovo 

GPS coordinates: 42.57898, 24.87561


(+359) 335 99915

(+359) 335 99913


Рабочее время

Пон - Пят: 08:00 - 16:45

Суб - Вос: закрыто

Вы здесь: Партнёры Волчки Grinder W 200