Grinder W 130


W 130 angle grinder for processing fresh and frozen (up to -20°C). Suitable for small-medium productions, this model has a 150-litre bowl capacity and a 130-mm output grinding plate size. Two compatible drives of feeding screw and pressing screw ensure automatic adjustment of amount of dosed goods. The high quality of the cutting system grants high quality grinded meat products. It is possible to provide a separator (option)of tendond and mebrane.

Main Features
High quality execution of stainless steel
Cutting system includes high quality cutting device
Equipped with microprocessor for controlling the working parameters
Possibility to connect a vertical loader

Technical Features
Bowl capacity: 150 l.
Capacity of unloading cart: 200 l.
Installed power: 25 kW
Motor power: 13.5 kW / 20 kW

О компании

Фирмата произвежда машини и съоръжения за хранително-вкусовата промишленост; хигиенно оборудване от неръждаема стомана; за месната промишленост доставяме, монтираме и обслужваме гаранционно и след гаранционно машини от водещи в бранша фирми.

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Быстрая связь


str.12, № 1, Vedrare, Karlovo 

GPS coordinates: 42.57898, 24.87561


(+359) 335 99915

(+359) 335 99913


Рабочее время

Пон - Пят: 08:00 - 16:45

Суб - Вос: закрыто

Вы здесь: Партнёры Волчки Grinder W 130